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Managing Performance Webinar

Overview One of the key responsibilities of a leader is in managing and leading the performance of their team. This workshop will help you to not only manage performance but also all of the other factors like sickness, punctuality, attitude and quality. Objectives By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand[…..]

3 Communication Skills ALL Managers Need

Whether you have just been promoted to a managerial role, or you are simply looking to improve your leadership skills, most sources will tell you the most important skill all managers need is good communication. It’s easy enough to say that leaders must be able to explain their thoughts clearly and listen to their staff,[…..]

Trial Session

Here’s Your Complimentary Session OnEmotional Intelligence   Course Overview The Management Fundamentals Course consists of 13 online management training sessions that you can take from the comfort of your own desktop, mobile or tablet. We have also added 3 bonus sessions around virtual and remote working and how to lead during COVID. These 3 sessions[…..]

Are You Still Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions?

We are all guilty of this, making new year resolutions, only to realise in February that we did not keep most of them. Although this is a regular occurrence, most of us will still end up making new resolutions year after year.

Simple Steps To Resolve Conflict Between Two Employees

One of the most destructive problems at work is a conflict among employees. When an argument breaks out between one or more colleagues, this often interferes with work, as individuals focus on personal issues rather than spend their time working.

Session 1: Understanding Managerial Styles

  Transcript For Session 1 Let’s take a look at managerial styles. As a manager you will most likely have a dominant and preferred style but the most effective managers adopt the right style of management to fit the situation and the person. So let’s take closer look at the most common managerial styles. As[…..]

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy uses cookies. We use them to improve the customer experience. They are small text files which are placed on your desktop or mobile whilst you are browsing and visiting our site. The cookies help us to: • Remember your settings during and between visits to speed the browsing process up •[…..]