Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

Workplace Trends for Q3 2024 and Beyond

  Ever heard of ‘quiet quitting’? What about ‘bare minimum Mondays’ or ‘lazy girl jobs’? Dozens of new workplace trends have popped up over recent years – some starting important conversations and driving real change in the industry, and some being more controversial in nature.…

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How Do Management Conceptual Skills Enhance Leadership?

  Management conceptual skills are fundamental to effective leadership, bridging the gap between abstract ideas and practical execution. In this blog, we delve into what conceptual skills in management involve and why they are so crucial. Understanding what conceptual skills are and recognising their importance…

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Balancing Eustress and Distress in Leadership

  Being able to balance eustress and distress as a leader is crucial amidst today’s workplace challenges. Management training offers essential tools and strategies to address these challenges head-on, enforcing that leaders must be able to employ strategic approaches to managing both eustress and distress…

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A Guide to Performance Appraisal Types

  Performance appraisals are critical to managing and evaluating employee performance in any organisation. Combined with management training and development, performance appraisals can help organisations achieve their objectives by promoting employee growth and contributing towards business success. As a manager, it is essential to understand…

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Harnessing McClelland’s Theory of Needs in the Workplace

  McClelland’s Theory of Needs has revolutionised how organisations perceive and address motivation. Rooted in the intricate dynamics of affiliation, authority, and achievement, this theory provides invaluable insights for today’s leaders. Often incorporated into comprehensive management training, understanding and applying this theory is crucial for…

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Is Bill Gates Leadership Style Unique?

  When you analyse Bill Gates Leadership it reveals his commitment to relentless innovation, strategic vision, and empathetic management. As the architect behind Microsoft’s monumental rise, Gates’s approach combines a deep technical acumen with a visionary outlook, profoundly shaping the tech industry and beyond. This…

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Exploring Barack Obama’s Leadership Style

  Barack Obama’s Leadership Style invites us into a world where grace meets power, and steadfast resolve intertwines with profound empathy. Commanding a nation through tumultuous times, Obama’s leadership ethos was marked by his ability to inspire hope, navigate complexities with a calm demeanour, and…

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Richard Branson Leadership Style Unveiled

  The leadership style of Richard Branson embodies a unique blend of charisma, innovation, and fearless entrepreneurship. Known globally for steering the Virgin Group to astronomical success, Branson’s approach to leadership has intrigued and inspired many. In this blog post, we delve into the core…

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The Honey and Mumford Learning Cycle

  Have you ever come across or explored the Honey and Mumford Learning Cycle? This pivotal model, formulated by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, sheds light on distinct learning styles that each individual may embody. It’s no surprise that the model is frequently covered in…

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Are You a Polymath Leader in the Making?

  The concept of a Polymath Leader is intriguing and increasingly relevant in our complex business landscape. Such leaders aren’t just experts in one domain; they possess knowledge across multiple areas, weaving a rich tapestry of understanding and insight. As management training continues to evolve,…

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Effective Motivation Through Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

  Have you ever delved into Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory and its implications for motivation in the workplace? This powerful framework, developed by Yale professor Victor Vroom in 1964, deciphers the psychological processes driving our motivational levels and subsequently, our actions. Often explored in-depth during…

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Boomerang Employees: Asset or Challenge?

  Ever heard of the term Boomerang Employees? Like an actual Boomerang, Boomerang Employees are those who return to a former employer after a hiatus. This is something that is becoming more prevalent in today’s dynamic job market – especially after the pandemic. While their…

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