Levy Payer & 95% Funded Options

Understand What Is Available & How The Funding Works

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Levy Paying Employer or Small Business?

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Levy Paying Employers

If you’ve got a wage bill over £3 million per year, you’ll be paying into the apprenticeship levy. Please click below for the programmes that we offer and how we can help you maximise your levy.

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95% Small Business Funding

If you have a wage bill of under £3 million per year, you can take advantage of 95% funding by the government. We focus on training existing staff members which can include all levels.

What Is The Apprenticeship Levy?

In order to achieve the government targets of 3 million apprenticeships they created the Apprenticeship Levy which is a compulsory “Tax” placed upon organisations of a certain size.

The premise is that these funds are used to fund the development and delivery of apprenticeships.

If you’re an employer in the UK with a wage bill in excess of £3 million then you are required to pay 0.5% of your payroll bill into a central “levy pot” which is then used to fund apprenticeships throughout your organisation. At MTD, we provide a full range of services for our levy paying employers.

If you’re a non-levy paying SME you can still benefit from Apprenticeships because the government will fund 95% of the cost for you.

Below is some further information for levy and non-levy employers.

Apprenticeship Levy

Make An Enquiry Today

Please complete our enquiry form with your requirements or give our team a call.

The levy is:

sign currency

Paid monthly

sign desktop

Collected through
your PAYE system

sign hand

Accessed through your
online digital account

sign training

Used to pay for
apprenticeship programmes

sign assesments

Used to pay for
apprenticeship assessment

sign currency

Can transfer 25%
to other employers


How To Get Funding For Your Apprenticeships

You can receive 95%+ funding from the government if you have a wage bill less than £3 million.

The government will also pay 100% of the training fees for apprentices aged 18 or under if you employ less than 50 employees.

Maths and English at level 2 are required to complete an apprenticeship but don’t worry if you have any employees that do not meet that criteria because there is fully funded training to help them get up to the standards that are required.

SME Funding

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Quick Links

Apprenticeship Programmes
Delegates working on a training exercise

View our existing training programmes and those we have in the pipeline.

For Employers
Delegates working on a training exercise

Information for employers about our apprenticeships and what MTD are about.

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Got any questions? Please contact us to talk to one of our experts.

Get In Touch!

If you have got some training requirements in mind please call us on 0333 320 2883 or complete the online form below and tell us about what they are and we’ll get back to you with some options and costs.

    Leadership and Management Training Courses UK | MTD Training