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setting up


38 Team Building Problem-Solving Activities

  Looking for some inspiration on team-building activities that also double as problem-solving exercises? Then look no further! In our Management Training we often stress that a strong team is essential for achieving organisational goals, improving productivity and creating a positive work environment, and team building activities are one of the essential tools that really[…..]

Goleman’s Leadership Styles Explained!

  When it comes to one of the best approaches to use when managing people, Daniel Goleman leadership styles is a go to theory for many. Regardless of the size of their team or the industry in which they work, every leader has one thing in common: They want to maximise results and see their[…..]

Coaching Style of Leadership: The Definitive Guide

  Coaching isn’t just for football teams. Team leaders and managers can positively impact their employees when they adopt a coaching style of leadership — and no, this doesn’t mean making them run or lift weights for hours at a time. Everything you need to know about the coaching style of leadership, from how it[…..]

Is Task-Orientated Leadership a Contradiction?

  You manage things and you lead people. That’s what most Management and Leadership Training Courses will teach you. Peter Drucker famously said that “Management was doing things right and leadership was doing the right things” which basically meant that management was focused on the task and leadership was focused on the people. So, how[…..]

16 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Situational Leadership Model

  There are so many leadership models, theories, and leadership styles out there that it can be quite daunting for a manager to know what to do and when. One of the most popular and coveted leadership style is known as situational leadership which basically means that the manager adjusts and changes their approach based[…..]

How to deal with a Blame Culture at Work

  Shifting the blame onto others is inherent in our DNA. It’s something everyone must tussle with daily because it satisfies one of the most important and basic human needs that we all have, and that is to protect ourselves from harm. Removing the blame removes the perception of failure. I’m sure we have all[…..]

Team Leader Training Courses

We offer two types of open courses. One for those who are new to the role or have had no formal experience and the other for those who have had training or lots of experience and want to take their game to the next level.

What’s The Best Definition of Leadership?

  What does leadership mean to you? It’s a key question that we ask on our Leadership Development Training Programmes. Leadership seems to mean many different things to different people. Everyone has an opinion on what makes a good leader. This may be, in part, because there are competing theories on functional leadership and a[…..]

15 Essential Mentoring Skills

  As a manager you will have an important and unique role in not only getting results for your department and company, but also in developing the skill sets, the knowledge, and the responsibilities of your team members. And today, one of the most important of those roles is being a mentor. Many people think[…..]

What Is The GROW Coaching Model? (With Examples To Help)

  Managers are many things. They are employees, employers, supervisors, teammates, and coaches. They answer to their superiors, partners, and clients, but most of all, they are responsible for the productivity and loyalty of their team. A true leader is a coach that is invested in their employees’ growth and success. Following the GROW coaching[…..]