Answer 32 questions and you will receive a personalised report and some tips on how to improve each area.
Inspired by Paul J. Meyer, this is a FREE Wheel of Life ® exercise and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
You will receive a 24 page report with your specific results for each area.
You can use these results as a valuable starting point for self-reflection and assisting you in achieving better life balance.
Also known as The Life Wheel or The Life Balance Wheel, it assesses dimensions such as Career & Work, Fun & Joy, Health & Wellbeing, Relationships, Finances, Personal Growth, Home Environment, and more.
These areas are crucial for individuals seeking personal development and a well-rounded life.
The use of this Wheel of Life ® coaching tool, is to help you visualise and assess different areas of your life, identifying where you might need to invest more time.
Leadership Assessment Test
EQ Test
Wellbeing At Work Survey
Coaching Skills Assessment
L&D Manager Assessment
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MTD Training is a Management Training provider with over 20 years of experience. Our Management Skills Training are delivered in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Coventry.
Leadership Solutions
Our award winning Leadership Training Courses and Management Development Programmes consist of modular topics and can be off the shelf or a fully customised solution.
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