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setting up


What Is Employee Empowerment And Why Is It Important?

A recent report by Seibert, Wang and Courtright in Applied Psychology magazine carried out an analytical review of the consequences of team empowerment in organisations. They concluded that ‘when employees feel empowered at work, it’s associated with stronger job performance, job satisfaction and commitment to the organisation’. What, then, is empowerment in the workplace?

5 Key Qualities Of A Team Leader

Becoming a team leader is often someone’s first experience of management responsibility. With many team leaders being promoted from within the team because they were good team members, they face a challenging time especially as they now have to manage their friends!

The 10 Best Phrases To Use Around Your Team

Excellent communication in the office is imperative. What you say (and what you don’t say) to your employees greatly influences the corporate culture, their satisfaction with work, productivity levels and loyalty to the company. Some say that with texting, emails and “Whatsapping” that the art of true conversation, i.e something that comes out of your[…..]

How To Create A Culture Of Accountability

Why is it so difficult to get my people to take full responsibility for results? This was a question one of my consultants faced when he was working with a client recently.

How Do I Make Myself Promotable?

It’s often a fact that the very skills you have developed to get yourself to your current position in business may be the very skills and attributes that can hold your success back. These might include having too high a dependence on your specialist expertise, an individualistic approach that differentiates you from your current peers,[…..]

6 Things To Do Before An Employee Appraisal

If you have impending appraisals with your team, the time to start planning is now. Once the workers are in your office, it’s too late to prepare for a productive appraisal and here’s hoping you have had some useful appraisal training as well.

How To Make Decisions That Will Affect Your Team

Making a decision can be hard enough when it comes to yourself, but double as difficult when it comes to decisions that affect other people. However, a big part of a manager’s job description is doing just that.

10 Coaching Techniques All Managers Need

The most effective leaders share one secret to their success—it is their employees. Aside from managing projects and delegating tasks, a successful manager will know the importance of developing their employees’ skills.

10 First Time Manager Tips

Starting any job is stressful, but there is nothing as nerve-wracking as becoming a first time manager. Here, you are not only responsible for yourself, but are in charge of leading other people.

2 Ways Bigger Teams Can Improve Employee Motivation

Motivating employees is a large part of the manager’s role. It is a proven fact that individuals perform smarter and better when they are empowered, provided with clear objectives and rewards for achieving them.