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organisational goals


Effective Motivation Through Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Have you ever delved into Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory and its implications for motivation in the workplace? This powerful framework, developed by Yale professor Victor Vroom in 1964, deciphers the psychological processes driving our motivational levels and subsequently, our actions. Often explored in-depth during management training programmes, this theory provides a blueprint for leaders and[…..]

Boomerang Employees: Asset or Challenge?

Ever heard of the term Boomerang Employees? Like an actual Boomerang, Boomerang Employees are those who return to a former employer after a hiatus. This is something that is becoming more prevalent in today’s dynamic job market – especially after the pandemic. While their return can bring familiarity and previously acquired skills, it also raises[…..]

Top 5 Leadership Trends and Topics for Discussion in 2024

It’s crystal ball time as I look into what 2024 might bring in terms of leadership trends and top leadership discussion topics. It seems only five minutes ago that I was writing my Leadership Trends for 2023 predictions – I’m glad to say that most of them came true and were relevant. There was one[…..]

20% Off The Job Training Examples For Apprenticeships

In the landscape of apprenticeships, a key component that sets the foundation for comprehensive skill development is the requirement of “20% Off The Job Training.” This integral part of an apprentice’s journey ensures that a significant portion of their time is invested in structured and strategic learning activities. It’s not just about learning on the[…..]

What Is Distributed Leadership? – The Essential Guide

Distributed leadership is a management approach that empowers individuals across an organisation to take ownership of leadership responsibilities and share decision-making authority. It aims to create a collaborative and inclusive work environment, where multiple individuals contribute to drive the organisation forward. It can be a powerful tool to adapt to change, promote innovation, and engage[…..]

The Contingency Theory of Leadership (Easily Explained!)

Whether you lead a team of two or 200, you likely utilise many different leadership approaches based on the situation, the people you’re guiding, and the desired goal. Did you know that there’s a name for this type of leadership? Yes, here’s another definition of leadership for you. It’s called contingency leadership. Below, you’ll learn[…..]

Putting Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model Into Action

Ever heard of the Kotter Change Model? It’s one of the most popular approaches to managing change. The ability for managers to lead change has become one of the most fundamental skills In today’s business world. Whilst it can sound like a daunting task, with the right tools and approach, it can be done successfully…[…..]

15 Essential Mentoring Skills

As a manager you will have an important and unique role in not only getting results for your department and company, but also in developing the skill sets, the knowledge, and the responsibilities of your team members. And today, one of the most important of those roles is being a mentor. Many people think that[…..]

6 Benefits Of Training Needs Analysis & How To Conduct An Assessment

Implemented correctly and they can be a vehicle for performance improvement. Implemented incorrectly and they can demotivate and cost you a ton of money. What am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about a Training Needs Analysis. Some call it a TNA or Training Needs Assessment. This guide will cover what a Training Needs Analysis[…..]

The Importance Of Functional Skills

Navigating the world of work with confidence hinges on a solid grasp of Functional Skills Maths and English, the cornerstone of all apprenticeship programmes. They arm apprentices with the crucial toolkit to excel, ensuring numeracy and literacy become second nature. However, within apprenticeships, the mastery of Functional Skills is about more than just meeting a[…..]

What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Servant Leadership Model?

Many leadership models have been propagated over the years, as societal and business needs have evolved and progressed. Many of them developed as models through application, rather than measured analyses. Scientific, transactional and transformational, coaching, action centred, Tuckman’s forming, storming, norming and performing model and many others have proved effective and built up a series[…..]