The Service Cycle

The Service Cycle is crucial to the success of any business. Customer service is a skill that should be considered at every stage of customer interaction, not just after a product has been sold. There are five main stages within the service cycle. These include:

  • Service Recognition
  • Information Search
  • Evaluation of Alternatives
  • Service
  • Post Evaluation Service

Your opportunity for customer service begins at the first point of contact. At this point you must recognize that a need for good customer service exists and address it accordingly. Addressing it may mean searching for information regarding the types of service each individual client needs and then finding alternative methods for providing that service.

As a manager you’ll need to identify which members of your team are best to service the needs of each specific customer. The interaction between customer and service representative provides the opportunity to build a solid relationship, so you’ll want to make sure you’re making a great match in both skill and personality. Even if there hasn’t been any sort of communication your customer service team should be willing and able to touch base with your clients instead of waiting for them to call first.

At some point you’ll need to evaluate whether or not your clients are getting the service they want, need, and desire. That means evaluating not only your staff but asking your client directly. Most clients will offer valuable feedback if asked by someone other than the person they usually work with.

Each step in the service cycle is as important as the next. Take a few minutes to review the files of a few of your clients and determine whether or not they’re getting the service they deserve. Is there room for change?

Thanks again,


Sean McPheat

Managing Director

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 25 December, 2008

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