Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

5 Key Qualities Of A Team Leader

Becoming a team leader is often someone’s first experience of management responsibility. With many team leaders being promoted from within the team because they were good team members, they face a challenging time especially as they now have to manage their friends! (more…)

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Communication Skills vs. Interpersonal Skills

Today we’re going to take a look at the differences between communication and interpersonal skills and how to improve each one. Now you might be thinking that they are one and the same thing but hear me out here and I’ll explain why they are…

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Why Identifying Barriers To Communication Can Help You

We’ve all come across those situations where we think we’ve communicated effectively and yet it’s obvious there’s been some mis-interpretation or mis-understanding. No matter how well we think we communicate, barriers exist, and it’s necessary to not only understand what they are and why they…

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What Is Resilience Training And How To Build It?

One word that is continually raising its head above the parapet and finding its way into our daily lexicon is ‘resilience’. Once seen as the domain of spiritual gurus and meditation sessions, it is now becoming mainstream in many businesses. And it’s not surprising, as…

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The 10 Best Phrases To Use Around Your Team

Excellent communication in the office is imperative. What you say (and what you don’t say) to your employees greatly influences the corporate culture, their satisfaction with work, productivity levels and loyalty to the company. Some say that with texting, emails and “Whatsapping” that the art…

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How To Manage Diversity Effectively In The Workplace

Remember Barney? Yes – the purple dinosaur who’s been either your own or your child’s best friend? “Barney & Friends” is one of the finest examples of diversity that comes to mind.     With the perfect representation of all ethnicity, genders and varying age…

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What Is Your Listening Style? – Infographic

There are 4 well known listening styles that people employ depending on the type of person that they are and what primarily motivates them. We discuss these 4 main listening styles in the infographic below to help you work out what style you are most…

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How To Train Staff In Customer Service

Customer service is imperative for establishing and maintaining a loyal customer base. In organisations where employees interact with clients directly, managers need to train staff to provide excellent customer service. (more…)

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How To Chair A Meeting

When you’re planning to chair a meeting, how do you feel? Excited, anticipating the energy that will flow around the room, buzzing with the ideas that people will come up with? Or dreading it, hoping that you can cancel it, and get on with something…

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8 Tips For Time Management

Time is a precious commodity, and it is especially so in working life. Managers unanimously complain that they don’t have enough time in the day to effectively manage their teams, handle their workload and attend to customers. (more…)

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17 Top Management Skills

Although it is impossible to pinpoint the one thing that sets apart a great manager from a mediocre one, there are clearly different skills, ideas and opinions that set apart effective leaders from ineffective ones. The question that we get asked the most in our…

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What Are Soft Skills And Why Are They Important?

Collins English Dictionary describes ‘soft skills’ as ‘desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude’. Certainly, the connotation is that someone who has common…

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