As the co-founder and CEO of the world’s most popular social media platform, Mark Zuckerberg is a household name. For those who are interested in achieving even a fraction of Zuckerberg’s success, it’s essential to understand what separates him from other business owners. This complete…
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Change is an inevitable part of running any organisation. However, it’s not always easy to get people on board with changes, even positive ones. Lewin’s Change Management Model is a simple, effective strategy that can help team leaders and members navigate changes with ease. This…
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When it comes to one of the best approaches to use when managing people, Daniel Goleman leadership styles is a go to theory for many. Regardless of the size of their team or the industry in which they work, every leader has one thing in…
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Coaching isn’t just for football teams. Team leaders and managers can positively impact their employees when they adopt a coaching style of leadership — and no, this doesn’t mean making them run or lift weights for hours at a time. Everything you need to know…
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Whether you lead a team of two or 200, you likely utilise many different leadership approaches based on the situation, the people you’re guiding, and the desired goal. Did you know that there’s a name for this type of leadership? Yes, here’s another definition of…
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You manage things and you lead people. That’s what most Management and Leadership Training Courses will teach you. Peter Drucker famously said that “Management was doing things right and leadership was doing the right things” which basically meant that management was focused on the task…
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Ever heard of the Kotter Change Model? It’s one of the most popular approaches to managing change. The ability for managers to lead change has become one of the most fundamental skills In today’s business world. Whilst it can sound like a daunting task, with…
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Most managers focus on their soft skills to the detriment of their managerial technical skills. What I mean by this are all those skills and abilities required to be more effective in your role that organise and coordinate work, help to solve problems and issues…
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There are so many leadership models, theories, and leadership styles out there that it can be quite daunting for a manager to know what to do and when. One of the most popular and coveted leadership style is known as situational leadership which basically means…
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Have you ever been micromanaged? Chances are that you have in some way, shape or form. The bottom line is that it can drain your energy away and can have serious impacts on your wellbeing and mental health if you’re not careful. Micromanagement can range…
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Shifting the blame onto others is inherent in our DNA. It’s something everyone must tussle with daily because it satisfies one of the most important and basic human needs that we all have, and that is to protect ourselves from harm. Removing the blame removes…
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For the latest leadership trends, check out 5 Top Leadership Trends and Topics for Discussion in 2024 For all the managers out there, here’s seven leadership trends to consider for 2023. We work with thousands of managers each year and we’re very blessed to get…
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