Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

Dilts Logical Levels

Developed by Robert Dilts, the concept known as Dilts Logical Levels was actually adapted by a series of neurological tests and concepts designed by an anthropologist known as Gregory Bateson. Robert Dilts took that research and applied it to what is now considered to be…

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Encouraging Positive Conflict

While conflict is generally viewed as a negative term, there are some types of conflict that should be welcome within the workplace. Conflict is a natural reaction, especially in work groups where there are differing personalities, but conflict isn’t always bad. In some cases, conflict…

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The Berenschot Seven Forces Model

According to a man named Berenschot, there are seven key forces that drive things to occur within the universe. Without these seven things, the human race would not be motivated to move forward.   These seven things are: • Necessity. Necessity creates a sense of…

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

According to Abraham Maslow, every human being has five levels of basic needs. Anyone who does not regularly see each of these needs met is subject to feelings of inadequacy or depreciated self-worth. A strong understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs should be incorporated into…

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The Change Management Iceberg

Change management is a hot topic, especially with today’s changing economy. As managers we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to handle change while communicating with our employees. Of course, we have to understand change ourselves, and one of the best ways to…

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What is Force Field Analysis?

Force field analysis is another great management model, originally developed by a man by the name of Kurt Lewin in order to come up with a solution for diagnosing new situations. Specifically, the goal was to find creative ways of dealing with the usual resistance…

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The Directed Creativity Cycle

The Directed Creativity Cycle is an interesting theory regarding how we observe and work within the world. This particular management model explores how business persons combine both creative and analytical thinking skills to generate new ideas that can be applied to life situations. Each and…

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The Hertzberg Motivational Theory

As a manager, you’ll want to ensure that your employees are as productive as possible and in order to be productive they must feel motivated. The Hertzberg Motivational Theory, developed by Frederick Hertzberg, is actually a very simple and realistic view of how employees are…

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A Simple Time Management Exercise

Today I’d like you to spend a few minutes on another quick exercise that will help you to enhance your personal time management skills. The better you are able to organise your time, the less stress you’ll feel on a daily basis. Start by making…

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The Business Excellence Model

The Business Excellence Model, also referred to as the EFQM Excellence Model, was designed in the early 1990’s in order to provide a framework to be used when assessing businesses in competition for the European Quality Award. It took me quite a while to understand…

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Never Lose Your Temper

Tom had been working on a major project for two weeks, carrying his laptop between his home and the office and putting in countless hours of overtime. The report he was working on was likely the most important of his career thus far – his…

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Use The Grapevine

How to take advantage of the office grapevine In today’s dynamic world of constant career changes and promotion opportunities, grapevine is an effective communication channel that can be used to a great advantage by people indulging in it. Grapevine is an unofficial communication within the…

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