Do you like to influence people? Have you got knowledge of your subject to the extent that others could benefit from your experience? If so, you are or could be an effective expert that people take notice of and listen to. (more…)
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LandRover and BodyShop in the UK have led the way in a change process that has drawn attention from other companies and industries. It’s not a new concept, but one that has gathered momentum recently. (more…)
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I was reading an article by Margaret Heffernan about how to fire someone. She says it’s important to manage the exit with dignity and kindness. Your ability to do so can hugely improve your standing in the business and actually raise morale. She learned this…
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Recall your worst day at work, when events of the day left you frustrated, unmotivated by the job, and brimming with disdain for your boss and your organization. (more…)
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As Elton John eloquently put it, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word”. Why is it difficult for some managers to admit mistakes, learn from them and move on? (more…)
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How do you become good at something? Most psychologists agree it’s repetition that makes something easy for us to do and that’s borne out by a study of our brain, which fires neurons in a repetitive way, called habituation. But when we do something so…
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Have you ever done something that you know didn’t live up to your personal values or standards? Duh, well yeah, of course! If you have, how have you explained away the reasons? What’s really interesting about humans is when we try to explain something unusual…
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How often do you proactively initiate feedback from your team members? I don’t mean the ad-hoc, daily discussions that are necessary for getting work done; I’m referring to the type of feedback that gives you direction, vision and strategic information to help you run your department…
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You know that the best way to influence another person is to build rapport first. The best way to do this with integrity and honesty is through a process called Matching. Matching is the process where you adjust the same aspects of your external behaviour…
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As a manager, how do you discover what people expect you to do? What feedback do you want that will help you improve your game and create opportunities for expansion in the future? The best way yet found to increase knowledge is to ask questions.…
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Who wouldn’t want their team to exhibit excellent work? The main reason I see managers complain about the quality of work produced by their teams is because we rarely talk about what excellence looks like and how we would know if it actually occurred. People…
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Henry Mintzberg’s book ‘Managing’ has received excellent reviews, and it’s got a good slot in my bookcase. The management guru talks about popular but false views about the nature of managerial work, separates fact from myth, and provides the best information yet published on what…
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