Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

4 Tips On How To Promote Creativity In The Workplace

If you work in an industry that requires your employees to be creative, such as advertising, writing, marketing or such, there are ways you can boost their imagination. While many individuals do find inspiration within themselves to get the job done, there are several ways…

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3 Unique Ideas For The Office Christmas Party

During the holiday season many companies thank employees for their hard work by throwing holiday parties. Managers like the chance to express their gratification to their staff during these events. (more…)

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Pros & Cons Of Monitoring Your Employees At Work

With the latest advances in technology, more and more organisations in the United Kingdom are monitoring their employees. Monitoring employees involves tracking their Internet activity, such as what they spend their work time doing online, what websites they visit, and who they email; listening to…

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3 Effective Ways To Reprimand Employees Without Causing Conflict

When managing a team of individuals, supervisors are the ones responsible for making sure that employees are conducting themselves professionally, and working efficiently and ethically. When staff members act accordingly and follow all the rules, managers may praise them and reward them. (more…)

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How To Earn Respect As A Manager

Getting assigned the position of a manager does not automatically come with respect from underlings. If you are a new manager who has just started in the company, or a younger supervisor who is managing older employees, your new role in the organisation may be…

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Sometimes As A Manager You Just Have To Say No

Great leaders are often bombarded with requests for assistance, phone calls, emails, and pleas to take on new projects. As much as we all wish we could clone ourselves and tackle everything on our to-do lists at once, this simply isn’t possible. Instead, busy professionals…

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How To Handle Peer Pressure In The Office

Every individual has experienced peer pressure at some point in their lives, often beginning in early childhood. (more…)

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5 Ways To Deliver The Best Speech Your Team Have Ever Heard

Aside from death, public speaking is rated as the second worst fear of individuals. Having to stand in front of a group of people, whether your employees or clients, and speak, is often nerve-wrecking. However, most managers have to make speeches at work. Follow these…

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Turning Negative Events Into Positive Opportunities For Your Team

Information coming into the brain is processed on multiple levels as the mind seeks to combine sensory information, visual stimuli, and past experiences into a complete interpretation of the current events. (more…)

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How To Use Talent Management Metrics To Measure Peformance

Ever thought how the talent in your organisation compares with the best in class? It’s probably something you’ve thought of often but didn’t know how to start? (more…)

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Are You Overworked, Underpaid & Fed Up?

For the majority of workers, experiencing a bit of job related stress comes as no surprise. Many individuals thrive on the minor stress that comes from a tight deadline or difficult project, but the presence of excessive stress can often lead to serious mental and…

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Responding To Allegations Of Discrimination

Despite our best efforts to provide a safe and discrimination free work environment, occasionally complaints of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, or sexual harassment will occur. When complaints are filed, it is vital that the HR staff respond immediately and appropriately to mediate the situation. (more…)

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