Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

3 Things To Consider When Implementing Office Expansion

One of the signs of a successful business is not being able to fit into your office any longer. You have likely survived the start-up stages of your endeavour, and now need to hire additional staff and require more room to operate your business. (more…)

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Why You Should REFUSE Your Promotion

Most employees dream about climbing the corporate ladder. When they are being told by the bosses what to do, they imagine being the boss themselves, running their own team, and making their own decisions. (more…)

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How To Deal With These Two Types Of Difficult Employee

In a perfect world, all employees would fit into one mould – a worker that listens, follows directions, shows initiative, and cares about their work. Unfortunately, most leaders can attest that these perfect employees do not exist. Instead, there are all types of staff members,…

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3 Quick Tips On Adopting An Open Door Policy

Many people prefer a silent place to gather their thoughts when they work. This is why most companies create offices for their managers, allowing them to have their own spaces. (more…)

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2 Ways You Can Give Strategic Bonuses To Your Team

Many organisations reward their employees annually with a bonus in addition to their regular salary. When questioned, most bosses reply that they give out bonuses to thank their staff for their hard work, and improve employee retention. (more…)

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A Quick Tip On Boosting Your Team’s Productivity…

If you are like most managers, you likely sit down at your desk at 8am, not looking up from documents and emails until lunchtime. However, new research from the Draugiem Group, a social networking firm, as reported by Chartered Management Institute, found that working for…

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3 Quick Tips On Improving Your Management Style

It is important to always strive to better oneself both personally and professionally. Leaders should constantly be on the lookout for ways to better their approach to their staff, the more apt the boss is, the more productive workflow will be and the happier employees…

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How To Sack Your Disrespectful Employee “Humanely”

There can be many reasons why you need to let an employee go; they may not be performing up to your standards, they may be rude or disrespectful, or you may simply eliminate the position. (more…)

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Why Leaders Should Have The Last Word In ALL Meetings

A typical work meeting usually requires the leader to do most of the work. This person would start off the meeting, announcing the topics to be discussed, and then proceed to discuss various points. (more…)

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Why Young Managers Should NOT Be Overlooked

When conjuring up an image of a traditional manager, most people would probably imagine someone who is middle aged. In fact, many bosses purposely abstain from hiring anyone younger because they can’t imagine these individuals leading staff that would be older than them. (more…)

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How To Transform Your Company Into A ‘Role Model Firm’

Whether you are flipping through a business magazine, or reading the latest industry articles online, you undoubtedly come across certain organisations that stand out from the rest. It is hard enough to keep a firm in business and profitable, much less to make it the…

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Are You Still Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions?

We are all guilty of this, making new year resolutions, only to realise in February that we did not keep most of them. Although this is a regular occurrence, most of us will still end up making new resolutions year after year. (more…)

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