When new managers are appointed, employers often evaluate their technical skills or industry-related experience before hiring them. However, managers need other valuable skills to effectively lead teams to do their jobs, as well. (more…)
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Managers must have good communication skills to run a successful organisation and lead effective teams. However, it has been identified that people have different communication styles, each one having its own advantages and disadvantages. (more…)
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Most of us know the benefits of hybrid cars – they require less money for petrol and are better for the environment. However, not many are familiar with what hybrid jobs are, or their benefits to the employer and the employee alike. (more…)
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Delegation is an ability that is not innate to every person. Managers are often overwhelmed with their responsibilities, but don’t quite have the necessary skills to hand down assignments to their employees. (more…)
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If asked, most employees would likely answer that one of their worst fears at work would be having an argument with their boss. However, as frightening as this thought is, sometimes it is inevitable. (more…)
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One of the most stressful events at work for both employers and employees is a performance appraisal. Staff members anxiously await their appointed time to find out whether their boss is satisfied or not with their work outputs. (more…)
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The business world is ever changing, and thus, one important quality a leader in today’s professional world must possess is the ability to be a quick decision maker. Taking weeks to pick a perfect candidate for an open position will probably result in that person…
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One of the signs of a successful business is not being able to fit into your office any longer. You have likely survived the start-up stages of your endeavour, and now need to hire additional staff and require more room to operate your business. (more…)
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Most employees dream about climbing the corporate ladder. When they are being told by the bosses what to do, they imagine being the boss themselves, running their own team, and making their own decisions. (more…)
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In a perfect world, all employees would fit into one mould – a worker that listens, follows directions, shows initiative, and cares about their work. Unfortunately, most leaders can attest that these perfect employees do not exist. Instead, there are all types of staff members,…
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Many people prefer a silent place to gather their thoughts when they work. This is why most companies create offices for their managers, allowing them to have their own spaces. (more…)
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Many organisations reward their employees annually with a bonus in addition to their regular salary. When questioned, most bosses reply that they give out bonuses to thank their staff for their hard work, and improve employee retention. (more…)
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