Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

Things You SHOULDN’T Do When Team Building

T – Together E – Everyone A – Achieves M – More No one can doubt the importance of a good team, not in sports, not in marriage and certainly not in the office. (more…)

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Is Having Pessimistic Staff Actually A GOOD Thing?

If you manage a “glass half empty” person, you likely have faced some challenges. Most offices have that individual that comes into work in the morning angry at the world, and leaves even angrier. (more…)

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The 3 Things You MUST Stop Doing At Your Meetings

You walked out of an important meeting, and you’re feeling pretty good about it. You might have met with a potential investor who you need to grow your business. (more…)

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3 Quick Tips On A Smooth Employee Transition Process

There are many reasons why you may need to transition a new employee into your team. You may have let go of a staff member, they may have given notice, or you can have promoted an employee to a senior position, and need to fill…

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Are You Ready For The Meetings Of The Future?

Some people love them, other hate them – meetings are a regular part of the workweek for managers, and are here to stay. However, technology and other advances have led to several changes in meetings. (more…)

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3 Quick Tips On Ensuring Your Team Understands The Task In Hand

>How many times have you had an employee miss an important due date because they claimed they didn’t hear you announce the correct one? Or, how often do your staff members claim they can’t recall you ever mentioning a new project? (more…)

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3 Must-Listen Podcasts For ALL Managers

Modern leaders know about the importance of possessing innovating managerial skills to excel in their jobs. With employees expecting a motivating, exemplary boss – it’s beneficial for every single employer to hone their skills and improve their leadership style. (more…)

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3 Handy Tools That Will Improve Your Productivity

Technology has been so integrated into our daily lives that we use apps on our phones or tablets to find local restaurants, communicate with others, watch videos and even shop. The problem is that the access to a wealth of apps uses up our valuable…

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What Should You Include In A Professional Email Signature?

An email signature is an often overlooked area where professionals can let other people learn more about themselves, their business and their contact information. Some of us simply sign our name at the bottom of emails we send out, while others only include a phone…

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3 Communication Skills ALL Managers Need

Whether you have just been promoted to a managerial role, or you are simply looking to improve your leadership skills, most sources will tell you the most important skill all managers need is good communication. It’s easy enough to say that leaders must be able…

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Are Your Colleagues Undermining Your Success?

You work hard at the office, and try to get ahead in your career, but haven’t been able to do so as of yet. It is important to evaluate your efforts and successes, or lack thereof, and figure out the reasoning for either. (more…)

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5 Ways To Encourage Conversation With A Shy Client

In order to have a good relationship with your clients, you need to have an open line of communication. They must feel comfortable coming to you with questions, or bringing up concerns; otherwise, they may take their business elsewhere if they can’t address issues so…

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