Management Blog

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

The Top 3 Blogs You Should Be Reading About Employee Motivation

The next time you reach for your phone, consider doing something productive when you search the web other than checking your social media account. If you are a manager, subscribe to the following 3 blogs to learn more about motivating your team players to succeed.…

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3 Ways To Prepare For A Mediation Session With Your Team

A conflict at work is inevitable at one time or another. Whether it is between yourself and another employee or between other colleagues, different attitudes and opinions mean that a disagreement is bound to come up. (more…)

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3 Ways The Best Managers Can Improve Their Empathy Skills

When trying to improve leadership skills, managers often focus on delegation, communication and time management. However, an important skill that every boss needs to possess in order not only to be respected, but liked, is empathy. (more…)

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3 Tips On Monitoring Work You’ve Delegated (Without Micromanaging!)

All managers have found themselves in a situation where they had assigned work to their team only to get it turned in late or not at all, or receive something completely different than what was needed. You don’t want to micromanage your team and look…

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2 Ways You Can Turn Your Team From Sheep Into Leaders

The most common complaint that all managers have is lack of time to focus on their responsibilities. It’s not uncommon for leaders to be bombarded with questions and concerns the minute they walk through their office doors, and have to put out fires throughout the…

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The 3 Main Benefits For A Manager When Empowering Your Staff

There is so much advice for managers on how to empower their staff. Sources explain how this process can reduce employee turnover, raise moral and productivity and create a better company culture. (more…)

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3 Things NOT To Do In Your Employee Appraisals

Employee appraisals provide an opportunity for the employee and the boss to sit down one-on-one to discuss progress and goals, so why is it that these meetings are often dreaded and pointless? Well, lack of appraisal training springs to mind. Too many managers turn up…

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Why Should You Use Open Book Management?

Modern leaders know that in order to get their employees to be loyal to their companies and work at their most productive levels, they need to engage with them. Engagement has been shown to be one of the most vital strategies a manager can achieve…

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10 Ways To Break The Ice Before A Training Session

Running a training session? Maybe you want an energiser to get them going and ready for your training. (more…)

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What To Do After Receiving A Negative Performance Review…

Nobody likes to receive negative feedback, and this can be especially crushing when it happens at work. If your boss has just given you a negative performance review, you may feel shocked, hurt, angry or confused. (more…)

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3 Quick Tips On How Entrepreneurs Create A Great Business Pitch

A startup owner needs the funds to get the business of the ground, grow it and market it to prospective clients. Few entrepreneurs have the capital required to grow a startup, and they need investors to finance their endeavours. (more…)

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How To Successfully Engage & Satisfy Your Employees

When trying to find material about making the corporate culture and environment better, there is a lot of confusing information. Two terms that seem to be used interchangeably are employee satisfaction and employee engagement.   (more…)

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