Managing Service Delivery

No matter what type of business you’re in, one fact remains true. You have customers and those customers expect to receive products or services from you in a timely and professional manner. So how do you ensure this happens? You put systems in place that allow you to monitor whether or not your employees or workgroups are properly managing service delivery.

Managing service delivery involves a number of different factors. Good service begins from day one, when your employees begin their training process, and continues daily as they learn to interact with their clients, customers, and even other internal workgroups. Good customer service involves not only making a client happy by promising results, but delivering on those promises as well. If you tell a client you’ll return a phone call in 2 hours, then 2 1/2 or 3 hours is not acceptable. Someone expecting a shipment to be delivered on Thursday may not be thrilled if it doesn’t show up until Saturday.

The process of managing service delivery involves creating workflows in which the products and services you are promising your clients are delivered – on time and as expected. This high level of service should occur both after the initial sale and throughout the remainder of your relationship with the client.

The better your service delivery models, the higher your clients will perceive the value of your products and services to be. Make sure your employees are familiar with proper customer care methods. If you can provide an excellent level of customer service your clients will remain loyal to your organisation for as long as you can provide the services they need!

Thanks again,


Sean McPheat

Managing Director

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 27 January, 2009

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