Employee Motivation

Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

4 Levels of Employee Engagement

Ever despaired at your team members’ lack of engagement at work? Ever wondered whether your key employees leave their brains at the office door when they come in and put them back in when they leave? You’re not the only one! Many managers wonder how…

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How the Expectancy Theory of Motivation Really Works

Expectancy theory suggests that motivation is based on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it. I often discuss this facet of motivation when coaching managers, as it answers many questions about desire, want and need for extrinsic…

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10 Steps To Empowerment

Your team can offer valuable assistance in achieving your goals and objectives, but only when they are given the opportunity to do so. Many managers are reluctant to offer more power to the team because it is risky and diminishes their control. But it is…

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The Benefits of Empowerment

Hopefully by now you’re a little more comfortable delegating your authority and giving more work to your team members. As a manager, you should be free to not only focus on your own projects but on your human resource and training responsibilities as well. Delegating…

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