
Tips & advice to help you improve your performance

How To Carry Out Effective Employee Appraisals

  When stepping into the world of employee appraisals, many perceive it as a mere checkpoint for promotions and salaries. Unfortunately, this mindset, often increased by inadequate management training, undervalues the appraisal’s genuine purpose. It’s less about assessing past performance and more about sculpting a…

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6 Things To Do Before An Employee Appraisal

If you have impending appraisals with your team, the time to start planning is now. Once the workers are in your office, it’s too late to prepare for a productive appraisal and here’s hoping you have had some useful appraisal training as well. (more…)

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3 Things NOT To Do In Your Employee Appraisals

Employee appraisals provide an opportunity for the employee and the boss to sit down one-on-one to discuss progress and goals, so why is it that these meetings are often dreaded and pointless? Well, lack of appraisal training springs to mind. Too many managers turn up…

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What To Do After Receiving A Negative Performance Review…

Nobody likes to receive negative feedback, and this can be especially crushing when it happens at work. If your boss has just given you a negative performance review, you may feel shocked, hurt, angry or confused. (more…)

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Should Employee Appraisals Be Eliminated?

One of the most stressful events at work for both employers and employees is a performance appraisal. Staff members anxiously await their appointed time to find out whether their boss is satisfied or not with their work outputs. (more…)

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