Apply Jack Welch’s Leadership Principles

Jack Welch was a respected business leader and writer and is quoted as proposing these fundamental leadership principles (notably these principles are expanded in his 2001 book ‘Jack: Straight From The Gut’):

1. There is only one way – the straight way. It sets the tone of the organisation.

2. Be open to the best of what everyone, everywhere, has to offer; transfer learning across your organisation.

3. Get the right people in the right jobs – it is more important than developing a strategy.

4. An informal atmosphere is a competitive advantage.

5. Make sure everybody counts and everybody knows they count.

6. Legitimate self-confidence is a winner – the true test of self-confidence is the courage to be open.

7. Business has to be fun – celebrations energise and organisation.

8. Never underestimate the other guy.

9. Understand where real value is added and put your best people there.

10. Know when to meddle and when to let go – this is pure instinct.

As a leader, your main priority is to get the job done, whatever the job is.

Leaders make things happen by:

* knowing your objectives and having a plan how to achieve them

* building a team committed to achieving the objectives

* helping each team member to give their best efforts Jack is now a well-sought speaker, as he turned the fortunes of GE in the States during the 80’s and 90’s.

He made some enemies along the way because of some of his methods, but he has been widely recognised as one of the most influential management thinker of the 20th century.

If you haven’t caught up with Jack’s ideas in full, I advise you to check out some of his writings and the articles about him…it will be worth your while to catch up with someone who made a massive impact on business in the last quarter of a century.

Thanks again


Sean McPheat

Managing Director

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 25 October, 2010

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