5 Ways To Encourage Conversation With A Shy Client

In order to have a good relationship with your clients, you need to have an open line of communication.

They must feel comfortable coming to you with questions, or bringing up concerns; otherwise, they may take their business elsewhere if they can’t address issues so you can help them.

The problem is that some individuals are extremely shy, and it’s hard for them to open up.

A shy client can be problematic in other ways, as well.

They may not be comfortable with the pressure to buy additional services or products, or be open to meeting with you at all.

In fact, you may have difficulty signing on a new client at a networking event if they are too shy to be approached and “shy” away from you (no pun intended).

However, as a manager or business owner, there are ways you can encourage conversation with a shy client; just follow these five strategies from John Stoker, president of DialogueWORKS and author of “Overcoming Fake Talk,” as reported in Business Insider.

Ask a Simple Question

Shy people are often anxious about engaging with others; one of the worst things you can do to this type of individual is accost them, and bombard them with information.

Take your time building up a conversation by first introducing yourself, and then asking them a question.

“Asking questions is the easiest way to deepen or create a relationship with someone,” Stroker says.

State Your Excitement

Flattery will get you everywhere, so it helps to state your excitement about meeting the person in order to help them relax a bit.

Don’t sound inauthentic, but do point out that you have been waiting for this meeting, and appreciate their time.

Repeat Their Name

In addressing the person, use their name quite a bit.

Not only will it make the conversation more personal, but it will make the person feel like you paid attention during introductions.

Inquire About Their Interests

Shy people will likely not volunteer much information, at least at first, so it will be up to you to get them to talk.

An easy way of helping them to open up to you is to talk about something they enjoy and are passionate about.

If you notice something about them, inquire about it.

For example, ask if they are into photography if they are holding a camera.

Otherwise, simply ask about their hobbies, and then discuss them to get them to relax.

Offer Help

A shy person will likely not come up to you to inquire about what you can do for them, even if they know who you are.

Therefore, you must take the responsibility upon yourself to offer your help to them.

When you notice they feel more comfortable with you, pitch them on how you can help them.

Thanks again

Mark Williams

Head of Training and Development

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 14 December, 2016

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