2 Ways To Introduce Change At Your Workplace

There is a big difference between how employers and employees see change.

Managers tend to view change in a positive light, understanding that it’s necessary to grow and diversify the business and stay competitive.

Employees, on the other hand, tend to be resistant to change because they don’t know how it will affect them and they may be worried that they will not be able to learn the new ways.

Even with this attitude, change is often necessary in the workplace, and managers can go a long way in convincing their staff members to embrace change if they introduce it in the following two ways:

Discuss the Need for Change

Change does not come about by accident in an organisation—there’s always a reason for its occurrence.

It can either be to fix a problem, improve a process or streamline a task.  

The best way to make your employees understand the necessity for changing the status quo and be open about it to make sure they understand why the change is occurring.

Instead of just asking your employees to spend time learning a new software system, first explain to them that the current system is 20% slower than a newer, more innovative version.

Once they understand the issue, and the solutions that the new change will bring, they will be a lot more open to acceptance.

Involve Your Employees in the Decision-Making Process

Your employees like to feel that they are valued, respected members of the in crowd at work.

As such, they don’t like when decisions are made for them, even if it is in their own best interest.

To help your employees embrace change, don’t just inform them about it happening, involve them in the decision-making process from the get-go.

There are typically different options when it comes to changing a process or a system, and it is important to discuss these options and get your employees’ side about the best course of action.

Don’t forget that your staff members are skilled professionals, and their opinions may be extremely helpful in the decision-making process.

The main take away from this article when it comes to helping your employees embrace change rather than resist it is to be transparent and inclusionary when it comes to the need for the change, its implementation process and feedback.

If the decisions to implement the changes are made without the employees knowledge or consent, they may be a lot more fearful of the change because it will come on suddenly without any explanation or discussion of implications.

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Thanks again

Mark Williams

Senior Management Trainer and Consultant

MTD Training   

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Updated on: 24 August, 2018

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